• Competition Work

    Concrete Design Competition 6 Elegance, Nethrelands

    Author: Kyoung-ho Choi

    Project Period: 2014

  • The ‘Stepping Concretes’ is a structure that can be adjusted to a half circular platform or a bridge that can be placed in various spots along the canals of Amsterdam. The main idea is to reduce the weight of the bridge by making the concrete components float. Cables are placed on the docks to hold the concrete modules together and adjust the bridge to two different positions.

    The minimal means of construction needed for creating a ‘Stepping stone bridge’, is the main motivation behind the project. 16 concrete modules are floating on the canal in front of Stopera (Music Theater) to link the residential and flea market area below. The two existing docks will be replaced with new docks that support the concrete modules and cables. The new docks together with the half circular platform will serve as a public space for the front side of Stopera and also for the residential area below. The concrete bridge will be fabricated as a Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (LWAC) consisted of mortar and acrylic balls. This method is to replace the heavy aggregates into lighter materials in order to reduce the weight and density of the bridge, allowing it to float.


Illuminant Pavilion